SlushyKazoo Builder App

Discussion in 'Builder applications' started by SlushyKazoo, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. SlushyKazoo

    SlushyKazoo New Member

    Ingame name: SlushyKazoo & Angela1101 (Build Team!)

    Real name: Andrew & Ira

    Age: 17 & 18

    Respectfullness on a scale of 1-10: 8

    Obedience on a scale of 1-10: 9

    Experience: In minecraft since it came out. In building well we have always been creative but we started to build servers last year around Christmas.

    Proof of experience(I.e photos):

    Any past offences: Non & Non

    Reasons you should be builder: Well we are very creative and we want to make the server look very good and keep our selves busy with it!

    Any extra things you want to add: I am a highschool student in 12 grade. Last year :) I play hockey and baseball for my highschool. I love to play MC when i can and also like to record and twitch.

    She is in college majoring in technology.
  2. Nosweg

    Nosweg The Sweg God | Quitted

  3. QZ0

    QZ0 DrPigu's Step Brother

    Extremely good, I hope that you both get accepted. :)
  4. SlushyKazoo

    SlushyKazoo New Member

    Thank you guys.
  5. TheOrangePanda-Im2Good

    TheOrangePanda-Im2Good SkywarsPlayer

  6. xPh4nt0mM4nx

    xPh4nt0mM4nx Old Squad Member -=[ Old Factions Staff]=-

    Good builds.

    Good luck!
  7. SlushyKazoo

    SlushyKazoo New Member

    Thx dudez
  8. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Love the modern look. Good luck to you!
  9. SlushyKazoo

    SlushyKazoo New Member

    This was a long time ago but still would not mind it
  10. JamesM

    JamesM New IGN: iTzGuitarmadMC

    Make him build with TheSparrow11 please?
    Thesparrow11 what's ur opinion of his builds?

    Do you make builds for servers? Because when I look at those this is my reaction: [​IMG]
  11. SlushyKazoo

    SlushyKazoo New Member

    haha idk him
  12. Thesparrow11

    Thesparrow11 The Rape Ape

    Nice builds. Try to make something bigger than a house, fountain or garden.
  13. SlushyKazoo

    SlushyKazoo New Member

    Na :p not atm
    Thesparrow11 likes this.
  14. LavillHox

    LavillHox New Member

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