Eh, it’s had its periods of of activity and inactivity like this for well over a year now. This is probably the longest and most significant period of inactivity from what I’ve seen though. Even so, there’s still a couple of the regulars on every now and then. In terms of how long it’s gonna last, who knows. Even now Surge is working on making changes to the server. It all really depends on whether Surge actually fixes all the issues on the server and works on attracting players, or whether he decides to shut up shop for good so to speak. Personally, I don’t really have any reason to play right now since I’ve completed my Skyblock island and reached the top of all the Skywars leaderboards. The only other server that somewhat appeals to me, that I can play regardless of who else is on, would be creative, which I can play on most servers, or on single player with no boundaries. I’ve got a fair amount of games to play right now which I’m going through, but I may come back and play more regularly if Surge adds a new server that appeals to me. Like Spawncraft, I was hoping to give that a go at some point.
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