hacker catcher

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by ethancowboy, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. ethancowboy

    ethancowboy my bae../?\ turtle3546

    First one to record a hacker and send it to me will get 6stacks of gaps
    cdennis02 likes this.
  2. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Dude, you don't have six stacks of gapps, and why do you want the video's? Are you trying to take someone else's work? o_O
  3. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    on what server?
  4. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Squad -.-
  5. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    -.- i know that, I meant factions, skywars, mcmmo etc
  6. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

  7. ethancowboy

    ethancowboy my bae../?\ turtle3546

    I have 5dubs of gaps u shurealok
  8. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    xD ur really stupid, if you had five dubs of gapps you would be a duper, you die with ur gapps. Ur an emerald so u don't get many in kits. Just stop lying xD
  9. ethancowboy

    ethancowboy my bae../?\ turtle3546

    I raided THEAPPRENCE
  10. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    I'm sure u did xD, if that's true then today why were you begging people for gapps?
  11. ethancowboy

    ethancowboy my bae../?\ turtle3546

  12. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

  13. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

  14. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    U rly think people are following forum rules? Surge is making new ones, so stop being a kiss ass, surge won't accept ur mod app any differently
    silentsniper96 likes this.
  15. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    I'm not being a "kiss ass" I'm just recommending you follow the rules. They are there for areason
  16. Bear445

    Bear445 Youtuber

    The Squadcraft community is ruined. Ever since Yonda left people like this think they can do what they want. Another brilliant reason I went to SS :D
  17. ethancowboy

    ethancowboy my bae../?\ turtle3546

    Haha AJAIN get told my a girl.

    She would make a good mod becuz she's on al the time. And she had alot of proof of hackers and spammers so she will make a good mod.
    EA_Sharks likes this.
  18. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    A lot*
  19. ethancowboy

    ethancowboy my bae../?\ turtle3546

    Auto correct on my kindle. Not my fought
  20. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Yea sure, a 100$ machine would have better autocorrect than becuz idiot
  21. SlushyKazoo

    SlushyKazoo New Member

    I just don't think there should be a composition lol it should just be simply recorded.
  22. TheOrangePanda-Im2Good

    TheOrangePanda-Im2Good SkywarsPlayer

  23. RockStar_188

    RockStar_188 Capo on prison

  24. you're* your* Sorry Ajain i had to do it after you posted that 'ur' thing on my mod app ;)
  25. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    That's before I cared about what I wright lol xD
  26. Should i do it again *to the crowd* alright I'm doing it, "write*" <3

    But yeah gg.
  27. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    Theapprentice has less than 10stacks of gapps and they r all I his echest..... Ur a really stupid kid
  28. Juuzou_x

    Juuzou_x iiDragonZz Staff Member Mod

    Don't Necropost.
  29. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    4 days isn't necropost xD
  30. Juuzou_x

    Juuzou_x iiDragonZz Staff Member Mod

    If you looked at the message before rockstar's message you can see that it was from Jan 11th and rockstar's post was on the 23rd of march. Pretty sure that's necroposting :)
    EA_Sharks likes this.
  31. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Oh you were quoting rockstar, I thought you were quoting homefry.. Its too early for me =_=
  32. Juuzou_x

    Juuzou_x iiDragonZz Staff Member Mod

    No worries. :D
  33. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    I have my final presentation today *Heart beats 1000 per minute*
  34. skarmick

    skarmick @GoOnSkar

    AjainWazHere likes this.
  35. PukingRainbowz

    PukingRainbowz New Member

    I'm legit cringing.

    (btw, I own a kindle and the auto correct is pretty good if you ask me.)
    Juuzou_x and skarmick like this.
  36. Joshua Hale

    Joshua Hale THE EPIC PIG

    Nobody has 5 stacks of gapples it impossible
    Even if you make them it would take 512 gold block/ ingots
  37. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    I have nine stacks of gapples
  38. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    I have 38 stacks :3
  39. Joshua Hale

    Joshua Hale THE EPIC PIG

    Really? Thats kinda hard to believe
  40. Marucha10

    Marucha10 USERNAME: Estebomb

    Boy, you were wrong Ajain
  41. LavillHox

    LavillHox New Member

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